*Cloth/布 [#z6380d7a] |CENTER:|CENTER:|c |~重量|0.1| |~価値|1| |~Base ID|000aec5f| **Cloth/布を含むジャンク [#a2ea824d] ||CENTER:|c |CENTER:ジャンク|個数|h |Anchorage Veteran's Flag|4| |Baseball Base|2| |Boston Bugle|1| |Boston Bugle|1| |Box of San Francisco Sunlights|3| |Cigar|1| |Cigar Box|3| |Cigarette|1| |Cigarette Carton|4| |Comfy Pillow|3| |Cotton Yarn|1| |Dishrag|1| |Duct Tape|1| |Feather Duster|1| |Home Plate|2| |Jangles the Moon Monkey|3| |Late Edition Newspaper|2| |Lit Cigar|1| |Lit Cigarette|1| |Lit Stogie|1| |Mop|2| |Oven Mitt|2| |Pack of Cigarettes|2| |Pack of Duct Tape|2| |Paintbrush|1| |Pre-War Money|1| |Preserved Cigarette Pack|2| |Rolled Boston Bugle|1| |Sealed Boston Bugle|1| |Shipment of Cloth - 25|25| |Silver Shroud Costume|3| |Stogie|1| |Straw Pillow|2| |Teddy Bear|3| |Teddy Bear|3| |Trifold American Flag|4| |Undamaged American Flag|4| |Undamaged Cigarettes|4| |Unscorched Oven Mitt|2|